Captain Q-dees

Captain Q-dees
Captain Q-dees

Friday, 15 July 2011

Head lice, here they come...

On behalf of the management and staff, we would like to highlight 3 things:

1) The spread of head lice is not totally within our control since many children join other Daycare centres and might get infested by mixing around with other children (from other centres) or even among their own siblings.

2) Children might also get infested while attending other activities (eg. swimming, dancing, at the playground, at the babysitter's house or any other social activities)

3) Once we identify any child/ children with head lice, we inform parents and keep checking on the child/ children for a couple of days.

We regret for any head lice occurrences among our children but will continue to play our role in curbing the problem.

Hence, we/ all teachers will check the children's hair every Wednesday and Friday from now on.
Then, we will immediately inform parents of the infested child/ children by sending a phone message or by writing a note in the message book.

Here, we would like to ask for parents' cooperation and understanding in this matter. Kindly maintain your child/ children's personal hygiene by washing their hair properly and thoroughly on a daily basis.

Do not hesitate to see the teacher if you need further assistance or help in this matter.
Thank you.

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